February 10, 2010 | News
Introducing zipPROMO

zipDJ has just announced the launch of zipPROMO, a new digital promotional music distribution tool that allows record labels create, send and analyze digital promo campaigns. Record promoters can easily...

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November 6, 2009 | Charts,News
zipDJ charts now published in Cashbox Magazine Canada

zipDJ charts are now published weekly in Cashbox Magazine Canada and on their website at www.cashboxcanada.ca/charts.html. Our charts will soon also be published in Cashbox Magazine USA.

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October 19, 2009 | News
Connect With Us

If you haven't already, be sure to add or follow us on MySpace, Facebook, and Twitter! Also stayed tuned to the zipDJ Blog for up-to-the-minute news and site developments.

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October 14, 2009 | News
zipDJ at Amsterdam Dance Event 2009

zipDJ will be attending the Amsterdam Dance Event 2009, which takes place October 21 to October 24 in Amsterdam, Netherlands. ADE is the leading electronic music conference and club festival...

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September 23, 2009 | News
New labels September 23

We'd like to extend a warm welcome to all the excellent labels that we've partnered with recently! Wreked Records Worldwide (USA), Prismatikone Records (Italy), Burn Recordings (UK), Dance Street Records...

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August 30, 2009 | News
Welcome to the zipDJ blog

Welcome to the zipDJ blog, where we'll be regularly posting news, announcements, reviews, and more. The zipDJ blog is the best way to keep updated on the world's #1 promotional...

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